Thursday, June 26, 2008

Digging deep into an empty fridge...

What we had...two acorn squash, 6 baby bok choy and some sprouting potatoes...and a yummy meal is born...
I roasted the potatoes
braised the bokchoy with some limp green onions that I found in the bottom drawer of the crisper and added a few sesame seeds and a few squirts of Braggs at the end

the acorn squash:
cut into half circles and browned them in a frying pan put them in a casserole dish
topped them with a sauce made of:
the last few Tbsps of Maple syrup (and with the price that MS is now we may not have it in a very long time:(
a bit of canola oil (maybe a Tbsp)
a bit of ground coriander
1 freshly squeezed orange
a bit of brown sugar
a few Tbsps of pomegranite molasses
pour it over the squash cover the casserole and bake at 350 for about 30 to 40 minutes
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Millet crusted quiche

I often use millet or rice for the crusts of quiches or savoury pies...Partly because I find pie crust difficult but also for the lower fat. I just press millet and/or rice into a greased pie pan and briefly bake it before adding the filling.

skim milk yogurt
red pepper
orange pepper
sesame seeds

It usually depends on how many eggs and yogurt we have as to how much I use...I try to not use alot of eggs and fill it out with the veggies...which I briefly stir fry before adding to the egg/yogurt combo..I bake it until it is slightly browned on top and take it out while the filling is still "loose" it firms up a bit as it cools..
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Tuesday, June 10, 2008


First time making wontons ...they turned out very yummy tasting and they did not fall apart but I have to say the esthetics were a little interesting:) Something I need to practice and I think I was going about it the wrong way.
The filling was:
one bunch broccollini chopped very small
1/2 a block of tofu crumbled
1 tsp ginger chopped small
all fried in a small amount of oil
I added 1 tsp dijon mustard
a few tablespoons of Tamari

I used about a tsp of filling per wonton wrap and tried folding...none were pretty but stayed together with a little water to stick them together.

They were yummy!!

I made a broth with some ginger slices, Mirin, rice vinegar, tamari, sugar and salt...I just tasted it and added what seemed good. I threw in some bean sprouts and green stuff growing in our garden..Broth was also good but next time I would add a few tbsps of miso and some chopped green onions.
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Tuesday, June 3, 2008

French Onion Soup

Add to Carmalelized onions (about two cups worth cooked slowly in a couple of tbsps oil or butter, pepper, salt, a bit of white wine) 4 cups of vegetable stock or water, sage, rosemary ant thyme. Heat until very hot taste the broth and adjust the seasonings. Pour into a large casserole dish add cut up french bread or baggette on top overlapping a bit if necessary so you fill the whole space and cover with shredded mozza. Cook in an oven at about 375 until toasty on top and well heated...